Artists in the World

terra0 & Talia Heiman

Episode Summary

Can an augmented forest own and utilize itself? Paul Kolling and Christopher Dake-Outhet, members of the artist collective terra0, and Talia Heiman, curatorial assistant for the 58th Carnegie International, respond to this question, dissecting NFTs (non-fungible tokens), autonomous nature, climate crisis, and radical economies of generative wealth.

Episode Notes

terra0 (founded 2016) is a group of developers, theorists, and artists exploring the creation of hybrid ecosystems in the technosphere. The group’s first work, the terra0 whitepaper (2016), based on research in areas of DLT technology, ecology, and economics, proposes technologically augmented ecosystems that are able to act as agents in their own right. terra0’s artistic practice in recent years has focused on conducting experiments that take up, evaluate, and critically reflect on inherent claims of the first white paper.

Talia Heiman, curatorial assistant for the 58th Carnegie International, has held curatorial positions at the Center for Contemporary Art in Tel Aviv and the Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She has curated exhibitions and programs at The Kitchen, New York; the Hessel Museum of Art at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York; and AA|LA Gallery, Los Angeles. She has published catalogue essays for the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery and the 57th Carnegie International. Heiman received an MA from the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College and a BA from New York University.